The plants..

Nyc - 2014

This is where the plant theme came from.   We went to eat one night at this place in the village on Houston.  It was a random night I can tell, I can see my Adidas sleeve in the picture.  That was my last minute go to outfit for last minute adventures.   He fell in the love with the view he had from his seat.   The next week we went bought 3 plants, of which I still have all of them 

The plants were the beginning of everything so they remained one of our focal points.   It's taken me a few years to "our" .. "us"... "mine".    He always says "our restaurant" and I let him because I love hearing that but that was HIS.  That was HIS sweat, HIS hardwork.   I've fallen into the habit of saying it was ours because I put a lot into it too.  Just to make things clear, this was HIS.  I'm grateful and appreciative when he says it's mine too.

So back to the plants....

At the time I was working at Michaels Arts and Crafts and I had a nice discount so I had access to some nice looking faux plants.   I don't know how I did it but I got him to come to the store and pick out the ones he liked.   I had my eye on one or two but it wasn't going to happen unless the genius liked them too.    We found this one... and it went perfect in the bathroom.

I wish I could take credit for that bathroom but I can't because that was his vision too.  It took two tries to get the color right.   We added a vintage bench to the decor but unfortunately I don't have a picture of it.  Our bathroom was cozy..  ( I did it again.. I said our)  I'm still getting used to saying that because in all honesty this wasn't mine.  If you talk to him he will always say I had a big part in this, and I love him for saying that because it's so generous of him to say that.   I believe he means when he says that so I go along with it.

We built the whole color of the bathroom around this painting.. it worked.  I wish I had another picture but what you see in the corner is the 6 bamboo sticks we bought at Michaels too.  We bought everything the same night..  I remember that day because my manager at the time saw us come in and as soon as she caught me alone she had to say, "OMG Chelly.. he's breathtaking" lmao.  He had no idea his smile had her ready to give us the 50% discount.  hahaha.  
We also bought this amazing silk plant online, it looked even better when it came in.   I used to love when I emailed him things and he loved them.  We both used to get so excited, like little kids.   He has great taste and I had a good eye so we made a great team.   With the eeny tiny budget we had to work with, we made it happen with what we had.  Some old, some new... we had vision.  
Our baby though was this tree.. 
I wish I had a better picture of it but this is the only one I could find.  This really does it no justice, it was a booming 9ft tall.   My friend was working at this store and this was one of their props.  They were done with it and were going to throw it away.  She called me and asked if we wanted it and we said "hell yes".   He got in touch with his friend who owned a truck and went to pick it up.   We kept her right til the end..  I feel like she died at the same time we closed the restaurant.   
I think she was already dying when we got her because they most likely didn't water it properly.  Sometimes I would catch him looking at it when he would notice a leaf had fallen or turned yellow.   He would look at me and say, "it's dying."  I knew it was dying but I think the tree was symbolic to him and somehow it's survival was linked with the survival of the restaurant.   We worked as hard at keeping it alive as we did with the restaurant.   It wasn't because we didn't take care of it.  
I loved the pot we got for it.

We found the pots in Clifton at a plant nursery.  A guy there told us to repot it and we did exactly what he said.  I always thought that maybe we shouldn't of taken her out of her pot.  I remember it took me, him and Mike to get her into that bigger pot and I got so much dirt under my nails.  I tried so hard to keep her alive but she died in the last few days before we closed the restaurant.  He had just told me the other day, "If I knew then what I knew now, she'd still be alive.  She just needed some nutrients"

And years late the plant them continues😉


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